Fine Arts Society

Fine Arts involves some of the most creative processes of self-expression. Skills related to creativity heighten the development of curiosity and bring about accomplishments with progress. The Fine Arts society aims at developing and strengthening the mindset and perspective of Fine Arts students who constantly thrive to portray the best of their abilities through innumerous competitions held at inter-college, district and state levels.
Art being a distinctive subject of the broader term Fine Arts has one of the most creative outcomes of self-expression. Art as a subject develops on the core principles of skill and basic knowledge of Appreciation of art that is best represented through the elements and principles of art. The subject matter portrayed in art is diverse and so are the mediums through which it is expressed. Central to the subject of Art is understanding the basic principles of composition, aesthetics, and the essence of an artwork. One of the most important aspects of learning from the subject of Art is to understand the aesthetic principle with sensitivity in attitude to perceive diversity in an expression of unity. The field of Art offers varied carrier possibilities that depend on several factors such as skill and creativity. Graphic designing, teaching at primary, secondary, and higher educational levels, fashion designing, art director, artist-curator, art critic, art historian, freelance artist, a correspondent for art magazines, program officer in museums, entrepreneur, etc. are a few notable opportunities that can be availed as an outcome of this course.
The Fine Arts Society conducts National Workshops, Lectures by experts, Inter-Class Competitions, Fine Arts exhibitions displaying the art works of students, Celebration of Inter- national days etc. The students of our college have been achieving desired results by being rewarded at various levels of competitions.

Objectives of Fine Arts Society

1. Understanding of Concepts of Art among Students
2. Strengthening of Core Abilities
3. Identification and Application of the subject
4. Development of Skill
5. Critical Analysis on the basis of Performance
6. To Enhance Creativity
7. Problem solving at practical level
8. Exploration of subject
9. Development of Personal expression

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