Grievances Redressal Cell Including Redressal of Sexual Harassment Cases [Internal Complaints Committee] maintains discipline, dignity, decorum and rapport of the institute. For the sake of convenience and division of labor, Grievances Redressal Cell Including Redressal of Sexual Harassment Cases [Internal Complaints Committee] deals different category of complaints separately as under:

The Grievance Redressal
Redressal of Sexual Harassment Cases

The Grievance Redressal Cell (GRC) aims to look into the complaints lodged by any student and redresses it as per requirement. The students can state their grievance regarding any academic and non- academic matter within the campus through online mode and grievance/suggestion box. The institution aims at solving the grievances of the students within stipulated time. The Grievance Redressal Cell has been developed to settle the grievances of the students and other stakeholders within a reasonable time period for further strengthening the bond of the students with the institution by providing them with all kind of facilities to a satisfaction level for maintaining a convenient ambience of academic teaching and learning. GRC also plays an important role in controlling the students through rules and regulations and channelization of their youth energy into positive and creative direction and promotion of the manners, personality, character and civilization.


Upholding the dignity of the College by ensuring strife free atmosphere in the college through promoting cordial Student-Student relationship and Student-Teacher relationship.
Encouraging the Students to express their grievances / problems freely and frankly, without any fear of being victimized. Suggestion / complaint Box is installed in which the students, who want to remain anonymous, put in writing their grievances and their suggestions for improvement of the Academics / Administration in the College.
Advising Students of the College to respect the right and dignity of one another and show utmost restraint and patience whenever any occasion of rift arises.
Advising all the Students to refrain from inciting students against other students, teachers and college administration.
Advising all staffs to be affectionate to the students and not behave in a vindictive manner towards any of them for any reason.
Ragging in any form is strictly prohibited in and outside the institution. Any violation of ragging and disciplinary rules should be urgently brought to the notice of the principal.


The cell will deal with Grievances received in writing from the students about any of the following matters
Academic Matters: Related to timely issue of duplicate Mark-sheets, Transfer Certificates, Conduct Certificates or other examination related matters.
Financial matters: Related to dues and payments for various items from library, hostels etc.
Other Matters: Related to certain misgivings about conditions of sanitation, preparation of food, availability of transport, victimization by teachers etc.

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