Legal Literacy Cell

Legal literacy cell is working in the college under the direction of Haryana State Legal Service Authority (HSLSA). With a view to make the students legally literate, Haryana State Legal Service Authority (HSLSA) in collaboration with Higher Education Department of Haryana started Legal literacy cells at college level. The core purpose of this cell is to create legal awareness among young minds and to identify the problems of their fellow citizens in the neighborhood., The Legal Literacy Cell was established in 171 Government & Government Aided Colleges in the session 2008-2009 with a view to make the students legally literate and create a generation for future which is well aware about its constitutional & statutory rights and duties. Legal literacy cell was constituted in the educational institutions so that the students can be taught and get aware about the laws and legal rights so that they can help themselves and the people around their neighborhood about their legal rights and law.


''From ignorance to legal empowermen''

Objectives of Legal Literacy Cell:

To bring legal awareness.
To educate girls about their rights.
To aware about social welfare legislation.
To spread knowledge about self-resilience.

Types of competitions organized for the students at College Level, District Level, Division Level & State Level


Essay Writing
Power Point Presentation

Slogan Writing

Poetry recitation
Declamation Contest
On the spot painting

Topics covered under these Competitions

Road Safety
Human Right
Child Marriage
Female Feticide
Fundament Duties
Rights of Disabled Persons
Hygiene & General Awareness
Rights of Destitute women, Children or Parents
Dowry Prohibition
Drug De-addiction
Right to Education
Right to Information
Constitutional Values
Rights of Senior Citizens
Protection of women from Domestic Violence Act
Sexual Harassment (Prevention)
Protection of women from Domestic Violence Act
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